So I sit here, (still in Iraq) drinking from a bottle of Welch's Sparkling Grape Juice. Some of you know a little story about such a sweet drink. For those that don't, I have decided to share it with you.

When I was much younger, my parent's tricked me not once but twice. If memory serves me I was 13. New Year's Eve came up and being that age I spent the evening with my parents. They brought out a bottle of champagne and offered me a glass. I was excited because alcohol was an adult thing and here they were letting me be an adult. Well so I thought. So one glass led to a second. Sadly by the second glass I began to act a bit squirley. (For the record, I don't remember this, I am recounting what my folks told me.) They got a kick out of me being this way but couldn't keep it under wraps for long. My dad brought out the empty bottle of Sparkling Grape Juice to show me. A bit betrayed, so much for getting to be an adult right...
So after they tell the rest of the family about me getting drunk off of non-alcoholic grape juice, I get to live with it the following year. My Grandpa still reminds me of it. So the year passes and once again I find myself with my folks on New Year's Eve. Wise to their tricks when they bring out the bottle of bubbly, I check it myself. This time I will not be fooled! Come on, I am a year older and wiser right? Wrong!?! My father was a tricky one. He had kept an empty bottle from when they got married earlier that month. He poured the non-alcoholic bubbly in the bottle and the replaced the cork. So once again I get a bit goofy. It doesn't take long for them to lose their composure and spill the beans. Great, two years in a row, I am drunk off of Non-Alcoholic grape juice!
I smile back on it all now. Not much choice, they never sent me to therapy! Just kidding, or am I...
So here I sit, alone on New Year's Eve. My thoughts fall to the past. Wishing the kid in me could be goofy off the non-alcoholic grape juice in front of me. Being in Iraq, we aren't allowed to drink. Don't get me it's not a bad thing. Alcohol was never important to me.
As you all know, 2009 was a HELL of a year. But heck, I survived. I also know I am better for it! 2010 will be an amazing year. The only thing holding me back is me now. Look out world, cause I am losing my grip. Actually I am letting go on purpose, I want to see what I can accomplish!
I am here till April 1st. There is a lot of possibilities after that. I'll let you know when I know what's next.
Until then, enjoy yourselves! Be safe, Live Life, and don't hold back, I wont be!