Friday, February 26, 2010

Day 400 - Is it time to go home yet??

So I am still here. 400 days later who would have thought I would still be here. Did I mention I'm still here. Well looking back it has been an experience. One that is almost over. 37 days left till my feet hit Orlando. A little older, hopefully wiser, a little richer.

Soon it will be time to kick back and enjoy life. Visiting family and friends. See some shows, roll some dice, sit back and smile. This summer will be quite the adventure.

First Stop:
Orlando - April 5th

Anchorage - April 21st

Dallas - May 5th

Tulsa - May 12th

Dallas - May 19th

Calgary - May 26th

Then its back to Orlando June 2nd.

All in all it will be fun. Hope to see everyone real soon!