Monday, February 16, 2009

Day 24 - Gotta get clean somehow right?

Anyone have the case of the Mondays? It can get bad over here. We had a visitor today, cant say who but just know that he is quite a "Star" if you catch my drift. It was more of a walk through then a visit. The Marines had everything cleaned up and I have to say its funny to see Marines nervous. Luckily it was over quickly.

So I have to say, be happy to have the shower you have at home. Here we us Combat Showers. This is nothing more than a pressure hose with a high pressure end that fits in the palm of your hand, Then to use it you have to depress a but to on the side and hold it down. So in case our wondering, go out and turn you water hose on the high pressure setting and spray your more sensitive items with it. It's not pleasant at all. Oh did I mention there are 8 of these things lined up and as others use it the water gets cold? In the summer I may opt for a cold shower. After being away from my wife that long it will be a necessity! But for now, its cold out there, see my breath cold! So appreciate what you have. I for one miss free flowing water that i didn't have to get a hand cramp to use!

So when I got here I was so jet lagged I stopped working out. Today I restarted. It felt good to add something to my daily routine. Now I just need to start learning Latin.

Good Night all!



  1. First thing to learn, "E pluribus Shatner" ... here endeth the lesson.

  2. "esta noche la presentamos, con mucho gusto, informacion interesante sobre las llamas! La llama es una quardupido. Y que dian vive in rios grande, como el Amazonas. Tiene Dos ohos, un corazon, un ferente, un un beko para comer miel. Las llamas son mas grandes que las ranas. las llamas son peligrosis. Asi que si ben una, esta nadando, cinta gritar, "LLAMAS, LLAMAS, CIUDAD LAS LLAMAS! CORRO! CORRO! LLAMAS!!!!!" Y mucho mas importante, las llamas son politicos mas grandes.

    ... shoot, wrong language, sorry ...

    Das Machine is nicht fur gefingerpoken und mittengrabben. Ist easy schnappen der springenwerk, blowenfusen und poppencorken mit spitzensparken. Ist nicht fur gewerken by das dummkopfen. Das rubbernecken sightseeren musten keepen das cotten-pickenen hans in dein pockets; relaxen und watchen das blinkenlights.

    ... dang it, still not right...

    Wenn ist das Nunstruck git und Slotermeyer? Ja!...
    Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput!

    ... and everyone that understands German dropped-dead in their lederhosen.

  3. it's been like a week now... are you clean yet?!?!?
