Friday, May 8, 2009

Day 105 - Cleanup and Aftermath

So as I eluded in my last blog, some things broke recently that I had to fix. Thankfully life is back to normal here and I am back to waiting for it to all go to hell again. I figured out I'm a cross been the Matag man and EOD (Bomb Squad.) If i'm sitting around doing very little, it's not a bad thing. If I am running fast heading to or from the Sever Room, LOOK OUT!

Other things that have been fun. KBR is the company contracted to maintain the buildings, etc. You may have read in another post about their ability with electric work. So don't be surprised when I was scared to let them re-wire my buiding. I got notice I needed to move out temporarily along with the other people in my building. I moved into the room of a co worker that is out on vacation. In the begining I was told 3 days. So three days pass and I go over and see that they aren't done. Next I stop by their office and ask, "How much longer?" The reply I got made me think of the movie "The Money Pit." The guy looks right at me and says they need three more days. Holding back my frustration I ask, so what happened that you need to double the time you stated to begin with? His response was typical, "We actually have 4 days to do it via the contract so we still have time." Thinking to my self what an ass-bag for not answering the question, I tell them thanks and walk away. Well it took four days so I really shouldn't complain. I had an electrician from the Navy come by and double check their work. They did a good enough job. The light in my closet actually works now. The one task I asked of them and got confirmation that they would do it, didn't get done. You see, the light switch for my room is located in the hallway. So my light gets turned on when someone is looking for the hallway switch. I asked them and they said the would move it in the room for me. It is still in the hallway. Shiny new coverplate and switch too. Oh, well, I'll just make a sign. This button wakes a wookie, a very angry wookie! Turn on at your own risk!!!

Water. The basic thing we all need. I am reminded we are in a desert. In fact every time I go to the bathroom I get reminded. When we have a water shortage they lock the real bathrooms. Real, as in a trailer of real toilets and stalls. So you are left with porta-potties. Joy. Would't be so bad but these things don't come with lights. You can imagine how this complicates the process. How one can miss water. Enjoy it while you have it.


  1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and photos!

  2. hey bro! :-) you want I should ship you a case of zepherhills?
