Saturday, June 27, 2009

The End or Really the Begining

So to start off I am sorry for not posting lately. Those that know me have either picked up on what has happened or have heard directly from me. If you haven't heard, I am getting a divorce.

June 9, 2009 Christina and I had a conversation on the phone while I was still in Iraq. By the end of this call it was clear that our relationship was over. No amount of waiting or help was going to take back what she said to me. I immediately left Iraq and headed back to the states. Since arriving I have moved my stuff out, secured my stuff in storage, and filed for divorce.

The papers were signed by Christina and I on Friday, June 25, 2009. In 20-30 days the judge will put his seal across it and it will be 100% done.

I know that many of you are shocked. Some know of the painful time I have had over the last year trying to keep my marriage from falling apart. The reality is that it takes two. Christina gave up long ago. When she gave up doesn't matter anymore. What's done is done. Many have asked questions of fidelity and what not. I have only this to say, nothing can be said to make this any less or more painful. It is over.

I ask this of everyone, leave me be about this. I am moving on with my life with my head held high! As much as I know people care about me and believe me, I can see and feel it. I do not need to relive this event over and over. Each person that asks just loops me through it again. Know that I did all I could, but my partner gave up. Nothing more needs to be said about it.

I do not wish ill will to Christina. She has to live with her choices, not me. I don't hate her, yet we will never be the friends we once were. Betrayal is to much for me to ever look back. I honored my vows as a husband, she cast them away when they no longer suited her needs.

What's next... Well to be honest, I am still thinking that through. At the moment I have 24 hours left in the states before I head back to Iraq and work.

I'll post later about the fun I had while I was here. Divorce or not, I am not wasting my vacation time.

Don't worry about me, I am back! Thank you to all that supported me in this tuff time. Without friends and family life truly is painful. I am looking forward to the next chapter of my life. I believe things happen for a reason, and because of that I know there is something far greater for my life.

Time for a new adventure, a new chapter, but the same old me!

1 comment:

  1. It was good to have you back home for a bit, my brother. As long as I am here you do have a home here.
