Saturday, April 4, 2009

Day 72 - I Got a BOX!!!!

First off, Thanks Honey, I got the Box!!!

You have no idea how cool it is to get something in the mail. Most people hate getting mail, junk mail, bills, jury duty notices, you get the picture. Not here. You get mail here and you are very happy to get it. One, because it isn't a bill, or jury duty. Second, some one took the time to put together something for you! I'm uploading some new pics today and one is the contents of my box. New Sunglasses, some hard drives (loaded with movies and pictures!!!), shorts, comfy sandals (It was nice to put on something so familiar), Posters, and some needed hygiene stuffs. Around here you don't get mail delivered. You have to go check with the post office and see if the convoy brought them some mail. Sometimes, as I have in the past, you help sort the mail so you can get your stuff sooner. To be honest, I don't think I would complain about getting a bill out here, granted it would be over due since mail takes a bit of time to get here.

Been a busy week. Helping Weave with the commercial internet takes up a lot of free time right now. I need to ask for a raise I think.

Friday night was the first official Movie Night. I helped by setting up the sound system and projector. This should be a regular event. The first movie was Revolver.

Thursday I came in second in Poker. Fun night but long. We started at 7 pm and didn't finish till after midnight.

So some of you are wondering why I came out here. I'll give you a perfect example: So far in the two months I have been gone, we have paid off over $20,000 in bills. Christina shared that with me earlier this last week. I have to say, nothing I have gone through has been so bad. I look forward to when I return home without a mountain of debt waiting for me. The motorcycle will be paid off, the student loans, all of the credit cards! It's one thing to say your going to pay off your debts by doing something like this. It's an amazing feeling to actually be doing it. Granted I can't take all the credit, Christina is doing great things at home in this down economy. It seem like every time I chat with her, her job is giving her more responsibilities. She has definitely found her place in the world. In a time where jobs are scarce, we are both able to keep a good job and take care of our responsibilities. God has to be watching over us because we are truly blessed.

Well, Im going to go sort out the stuff in th box!!

Don't forget to check out the pictures I posted to my flickr account!

Goodnight all



  1. Sorry but the Easter Bunny won't get to you in time! Have to wait until the next payday! We have quite a collection building up for you!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
