Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Day 90 - All is almost quiet here at Camp KV

So I sat out by the main road in the camp tonight. Just sitting there in the dark, listening to the sounds, watching the stars twinkle. The constant hum of generators, the passing by of Marines going to and fro. Red, Blue, and White lights dancing from building to building. The air has the slight taste of sand. The temperature is almost perfect. A slight breeze of not cold, no hot, simple air. With very few lights in the camp there is little in the way of light pollution. The stars twinkle across the sky. It's peaceful. With the exception of the military vehicles parked nearby, you would almost forget that this is a war zone.

Where ever you are, take a moment to just look around. What does it sound like? Taste Like? Smell Like? When is the last time you looked around and just took it all in?