Saturday, May 30, 2009

Day 128 - Old Dog Still Has A Few Tricks

So as I predicted, the Marines decided to include me in their frat games. I get a call that I am needed in the server room. My first thought was "This is it, one way in, NO way out." Funny thing is, they forgot! I get over to the office and everyone is there. I am on high guard because I know what they are planning to do. Half an hour goes by and nothing. Here I am thinking they are letting me relax then BAM they will get me.

In walks Chris Knight, one of my fellow ITT contractors. "Hey Chris, Happy Birthday man!" I flash a smile and nod at Chris in thanks. Then I see it, they had forgot! Everyone else just freezes and then looks right at me. You would have thought some CHUM had just got dropped in the water! I'll give them some credit they played it off well. The well wishes came from all over the office and then they went back to what they were doing.

About another 15 minutes have passed when the finally jump. I moved to the center of the room to watch two Marines play a football game on a computer. As I turn around to answer a question to Sgt K he reaches out to grab me. They always say moments like this happen in slow motion, I feel him grab me with his right hand but he kept his left out trying to grab. Instinct took over and I in turn grab his arm and twist. Next I pull him down and he loses his grip with his right. I slide up and wham, HEADLOCK. I follow this with pulling him down to the ground to keep it locked. The other Marines just stand their and laugh. Well for about a minute, then they jumped in. I was good for the first three. The fourth is Sgt Presswood, a rather large black man that has 50 pounds and some height on me. Once he latched on I knew it was futile. I relaxed so that they could do what they were going to do. Otherwise someone was going to get hurt. Probably me.

Now the last guy I saw this happen to got a boot in the Ass for each year of his life. I guess they decided to be nice and I got a single boot. They all let go and we helped each other up. Poor Cole got clocked pretty good on the way down but no major injuries. Fun times overall. I guess I am an honorary Marine or something, who knows. Granted I know I earned a bit ore respect. Maybe next time they will listen when I tell them I bounced for 5 years.

Sadly one didn't listen. The very next day Sgt K was feeling froggy and probably a little miffed about the headlock from the day before. So again he came at me. Once again he was sloppy and I put him in another headlock. This one had one arm around his neck and the other around the back of his knee and hooked on the first arm. Then I picked him up. It took all of two seconds for him to tap. I set him down and asked him if he forgot what happened last time. He shakes it off and not too soon after decided to wrestle one of the smaller guys in the room. Sadly, he got put on his back and almost choked out. Some people never learn.

The rest of my Birthday was pretty cool. I got a lot of bday wishes from people. Whether it was email, facebook, or through instant message I got the message that people remember and care. Thank you all!

I did get a cake. The same guy that reminded the Marines it was my birthday also used some favors with the mess hall and had them bake me a cake. I'll throw a picture up on flickr.

The rest of the week has been pretty normal. Tonight we had another successful movie night with may watchers. 12 Rounds with John Cena was the show. Not bad I have to say, very much a Die Hard with a Vengeance copy but not bad over all.

The trouble with real life is that there's no danger music.
- Jim Carrey from "The Cable Guy"

1 comment:

  1. Yo! I forgot to tell you I DL'd the new ST movie. Sooo... not sure if you got to talk to Adam about it... but we went out and celebrated your birthday last weekend and he begrudgingly confided, "It's really the best science fiction movie". HOLY CRAP!!! yup. that good. :-) sooo... U still need it? not the best quality... but it's okay...
