Thursday, January 29, 2009

Day 6 - A Day to Relax

So I know where I am being stationed, Marine Camp Korean Village. On Google its not listed but I found out its near Ar Rutbah. How near I have no idea. Below is a clip I found on a marine website:

Camp Korean Village / "Camp KV"
Camp Korean Village (also known as Camp KV) is located in a remote stretch of Iraq's western desert, close to the Syrian-Iraq border, and near the highway that connects Jordan with Baghdad. Ar Rutbah is the closest town to Camp Korean Village. Camp Korean Village is believed to be located at one of the H-3 facilities. Camp Korean Village got its name because it once housed Korean laborers who paved the Amman-Baghdad highway during Saddam Hussein's regime.

I'll post more later. For now I'm gong to a formation about the flight and then off to watch a movie and get in a non-mess hall meal.


  1. You are (will be) here(ish).,+39.597301&oe=UTF-8&hl=en&ie=UTF8&ll=33.073131,39.597301&spn=0.038264,0.054932&t=h&z=14&iwloc=addr

  2. Keep your chin up and your head down! Staying safe is the most important thing you need to do. This will be an experience that you'll never forget; an opportunity to broaden your self worth and inner being. You will come back a more mature and wiser man for the experience. Remember to live each day for the Gift that it is, no matter where you are. And remember to give thanks to the one who gives you each day. Learn all you can each day so that you can make the most that you can of that day. You will be gone 366 days but fortunately as we get older time seems to move more quickly, so you'll be back safe and sound before we know it. I love you Babe, and you are in my thoughts and prayers every day. I thank God for you everyday. Mom
